Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sunday Morn

Here we have the orchids ready for church. Mason has his game face on and his Transformer clutched firmly in hand. Camden is just happy to be here with her new transparent pink plastic purse (scattergories, here I come - that's a three point play right there) and her unclothed baby in tow. She left it outside last night on the lawn. When I came out to get them in the car this morning she was in full Search and Rescue mode.

It is my firm belief that little girls were made to wear piggy tails. The argument for my stance on this issue is my little Camden. Piggy tails were invented for the sole purpose of being placed upon my daughter's head once she had enough hair to make it feasible. All previous piggy-tailers looked forward to the day that this would come to pass. She knows I love them too. She eagerly runs out of the bathroom once her hair is done so she can show me. If I ask to see them she does a little spin and she always puts her hand up to touch them. She also like to spray "apples and cherries" in her hair after her bath every night. It's some detangling stuff but she loves it. She runs urgently into the bathroom to get it if we ever forget. Between her purses and hair products she'll be surpassing Amy soon in required cabinet, closet and shower ledge space. There just ain't room for a man and his single, solitary bottle of shampoo. I'm going to have to start keeping my shampoo and razor in the storage unit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I'm sure glad I have awesome and clever kids. Love, Mom