I love flyfishing and I really love flyfishing in solitude. Places I love to fish tend to involve long or strenuous hikes in order to get away from people. I've been to a few of these places lately and was blessed for the effort. First is my flyfishing eden, revealed to me by a trusted friend and revealed by me to only one other person so far. That is all I can say. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
I've been in Colorado at my new job now for a few weeks nursing a broken heart over leaving Montana. But when life gives you lemons you make lemonade for the hike into your new fishing spot. I had a few priorities for my first month here. I needed to find a place to fish. Finding a place to live could wait. My research paid off and the first spot I tried is pretty good. This river is full of monster Rainbows and Browns. Sorry about the poor quality cell phone pictures.

Thickest fish I've ever caught. Took 5 minutes to land it.
I'm glad there is fish in Colorado.
You caught a pretty one.
Not as pretty of a catch as me but.........
I heart you.
Thank you for not letting my husband die in eden... although it probably would have been a good place to die.
Nice touch good friend...! Nice touch!
Looks like CO isn't so bad. Pictures don't look too different from MT, and the best part is there is much more shopping for your wife to do in CO :)
Had any Triple Whoppers lately? Nice fish pics...too bad you photo shopped your head into all of them.
Will you take me fishing when we visit?
Nice fish. How funny, you and my husband would get along so well. He loves fly fishing. Although the fishing here is not as good as what that looks like. So are you and your cute family getting settled in CO? Hope you guys are all doing good. Curtis and his family live near Denver. We're actually going to visit them in two weeks (as long as the weather cooperates) And one last note I love your Reagan quote. I was also anti Obama before it was cool. We were in Yellowstone last month and drove up to Cooke City through the Lamar valley. It was awesome (yes I'm getting to the point) but even better as we entered Cooke City there big as life on a huge homemade billboard was written
- - - T R
- - - A I
- - - K C
- - - E A
I'm sure you've seen that but Cam and I seriously had to turn around to more fully appreciate it. :)
okay those letters didn't line up the best. Hope you can read it.
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