While I have no love for "P-Diddy" or Mr. Kutcher it appears we do share a common trait. From this point on let no one attempt to make fun of my geeky flashlight hobby without considering who they are indicting along with me. It may still be geeky but it is no longer uncool.

Mr. Kutcher is a little behind the times with the Surefire E2d Defender. I would recommend he upgrade to the E2dl. Mr. Diddy is a little more current with the Novatac 120 in Desert Tan. He still loses though cause I'm rollin' the original HDS Systems EDC Basic 42 XRGT. Who's the OG now, Diddy?
You really are very whitty.
I would be willing to put money down on you Daegan in a flashlight info Jeopardy battle against A. Trebek himself. You know more about flash lights than I know about my right hand. Props
I will gladly make my apologies now, and admit I used to make fun of you and your flashlight obsession. You are officially cool!...especially now that P. Diddle is in on the action.
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